Personal assistant in marriage seeking trip to Ukraine

Safe travel to Ukraine to find a wife

Important: We are not a marriage agency and we do not cooperate with matrimonial agencies. What we offer is to help you in your marriage seeking trip to Ukraine.

A man you can trust will accompany you during your entire trip to Ukraine, help you and solve all possible problems.
You decide WHERE to go and WHAT to do.

1) We can help you with all necessary travel related arrangements during your marriage seeking trip to Ukraine. This way you will get:
– full plan of your trip;
– all available reservations made;
– necessary trip related contacts listed in the trip itinerary.

You won’t have to worry about transport, tickets, car rental, hotel/apartment booking, arrangements of your romantic meetings, leisure and sightseeing arrangements etc.

Having the itinerary in your hands during the trip, you will have all preliminary reservations made and your trip plan will be secured. This way you will be able to deal with final purchases, rents and buying all trip-related services by yourself.

2) Your interpreter and assistant in your journey to Ukraine. We offer a service of a person you can trust. He will be your constant assistant.

Prices and conditions

170 USD per day of assistant plus transport, accommodation and food expenses
We book hotels, apartments and tickets only if you pay 100% of the price beforehand.