Find family and relatives in Ukraine

 03.01.2011 Find family and relatives in Ukraine

Do you want to find anybody of your family in Ukraine? You are not sure if there are still relatives in Ukraine but believe there must be a cousin or an uncle, aren’t u?

relatives in Ukraine

We are ready to help you. Our team works in Ukraine. It consists of professional historians and genealogists who can assist you in searching your roots in Ukraine. So we are experienced in this case.

How does it work? To achieve the best results it’s necessary to do a complete historical analysis. We discover your ancestry in Ukraine through the cities of origin, churches, synagogues, archives, town halls, emigration records, etc. We find the materials and send them anywhere in the world.

This service is important. It allows to find members of the family and make it complete. Someone finds his grandfather, cousin, uncle… There are also people who want to know more about their ancestors or relatives.

Rates This service is paid. Fee $250.

If you wish we can arrange a meeting with your family. “Green Ukraine” is able to organize your travel to Ukraine and take care about all essential things: transport, accommodation, translation etc.

Genealogy researches in Western Ukraine

We offer you our services of building family tree. We do archive searches of birth, marriage, death records on your ancestors.

Ancestry tours in Western Ukraine

There is a big Ukrainian Diaspora all over the world. Many descendants want to learn their roots and come to the place where their ancestors came from. We have been doing Ancestry tours for 10 years so we will be glad to pick you up from the airport, bus or train station and drive you to the place.

Searches of the gravestones in the cemeteries

You want to come and pay tribute to your grandparents or great grandparents but do not know where they are buried.

Please email us at [email protected]

Let’s find your family together!