
  • Bruce Anderson, USA

    Green Ukraine arranged for myself, my friend and her son a hotel in Yaremcha and a private trip on “The Carpathian Tram” was wonderful. The tram normally only runs on busy Summer weekends but they made a special trip just for us. The three staff were very nice. They let my friends son and I ride in the front with the driver. The breakfast in the country with meat, bread, vodka etc. was great. We all really enjoyed it and it was nice they ran it just for us. I provided them with a little extra money for their time and effort. I could not have done it without the help of Green Ukraine and yourself. I would highly recommend your company to anyone looking for a holiday in your country that needs help in arranging. Of particular relevance was your always very fast response to my e-mails all in perfect English.


  • Oksana Kindra (com Olesh Kindra e Leandro Cavassim), Brasil

    Em fevereiro de 2012, em pleno inverno ucraniano, tivemos o prazer de conhecer a Ucrânia e seus belos Montes Cárpatos, cobertos de muita neve!
    Conseguimos realizar um sonho de localizar familiares em uma pequena vila, próxima a Dolyna, o que não teria sido possível sem o apoio da Green Ukraine, tanto pela dificuldade de comunicação, quanto de transporte. Também pudemos conhecer um pouquinho dos costumes do belo povo ucraniano, como sua deliciosa culinária, trajes típicos, pêssankas, igrejas de madeira… E também nos aventuramos esquiando em Bukovel, algo que nunca havíamos feito em nossa vida! Pernoitamos em uma “cabana” extremamente aconchegante, na qual contamos com a hospitalidade e carinho da Oksana, minha xará, que também nos alimentou muito bem!

    Tudo foi muito bem planejado e organizado, sempre de acordo com nossa vontade! O Andriy, que foi nosso intérprete e companheiro, foi muito atencioso em todos os momentos, desde o primeiro contato!

    Espero que possamos nos encontrar novamente em mais um passeio pelos Cárpatos, talvez no verão da próxima vez!

    PARABÉNS, Andriy e equipe! SUCESSO!


  • Franck, France

    thank you so much for having found the ideal way to spend a long waited christmas holiday.
    My wife and I wanted to use this free time to visit Ukraine, but, as many other expats here in Kiev, we didn’t know where to go and were not confident to go out for an adventure with our children.
    So I contacted Green Ukraine and they came with exactly what we were hoping for, good family fun in a beautiful environement.
    The kids were delighted of course, snowboarding, horse and quad ridding, barbecues… the list goes on and on.
    We appreciated all these activities with them and the babysitter was a real bonus for my wife and I to spend some quality time together.
    So again from all my family and I, thank you.


  • Jan Sibayan, USA

    From the time we were met at the train station in Lwow at 1:02 until he put us on the train to Kiev, Andriy took care of my nephew and me.

    My nephew and I are pretty independent travelers, but thanks to Andriy, we saw so much more of Ukraine’s beautiful countryside, experienced the warmth of rural hospitality, tasted delicious foods, and learned so much history of the region.Plus, Andriy is just a pleasant person with whom to spend time.

    I have been fortunate to have been on many ‘trips of a lifetime’ and this one joins the list.


  • Cezar Luiz Czarny, Curitiba/Brasil

    Eu e minha família estivemos conhecendo a Ucrânia no mes de julho/2011 e pudemos contar com a ajuda da Green Ukraine na organização e transporte em nosso passeio.

    Graças ao Andriy e sua equipe pudemos visitar uma das regiões mais bonitas do mundo que são os Montes Cárpatos. Lá visitamos diversas cidades, conhecemos monumentos, museus e igrejas belíssimas, saboreamos uma deliciosa culinária local e pudemos verificar todos os costumes e tradições da verdadeira cultura ucraniana. Desde os contatos feitos via email quanto ao passeio sempre pudemos contar com toda eficiência da Green Ukraine.

    O passeio foi organizado conforme nossos desejos e pudemos escolher livremente entre as opções fornecidas. No dia e horário marcados estavam pontualmente em nosso hotel ao nosso aguardo e durante todo os dia prestaram todas as informações sobre o trajeto e acessoria necessária para o nosso bem estar. Recomendo à todos usufruir da seriedade e competencia da Green Ukraine e eu mesmo pretendo em breve utilizar os serviços novamente.

    Parabéns e obrigado!


  • Rudy, Paris, France

    From seeking answers, come back with the right questions. That sums up my stay in Ukraine, which was one of the greatest experiences of my life.

    Meeting great people like Oksana, seeing all these people in these villages in their land, sharing the view of those magnificent landscapes of Carparts, but also the annoyance of driving on these roads so rough … living this journey requires passion, desire to discover another culture, or traits of humanity that we no longer look.

    The Easter holidays were a great choice of time, the opportunity to see the devotion of Ukrainian tradition in their songs, and their traditional dress rooted in their land.

    Seeing the land of my grandfather, that has been so easily accessible thanks to Andriy, was undoubtedly a dream realized, and unforgettable.


  • José Augusto Filho, Minas Gerais, Brazil

    The Holy Week this year will stay forever in my memory. I met an important part of the beautiful Ukraine. Accompanied by the ever-watchful and careful Andriy Gnytka, I spent seven wonderful days in Kiev and Crimea. It was definitely the best trip of my life, I could see first hand the spectacular backdrop of scenes of human history. I recommend the Ukraine as a tourist destination. Moreover, Recondo Andriy as host! See you soon, Ukraine.